Wednesday 26 October 2011

What Is a Thriller?

A thriller for me is a film that creates suspense right from the word go building this up throughout the film, in doing this it should leave the audience hanging on the edge of their seats leaving them with an edge of uncertainty as to what is going to happen next. In thrillers I believe that you should also have a very realistic plot, making it very believable to make the tension amongst the viewers even higher.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Se7en Opening Credits

The soundtrack uses a combination of both sound effects and musical instruments, the effects include disstor  makes audience anxious and builds tension

Screenshot of man (who we think is a pyscopath and the main character of the film) Writing in a book or diary. Throughout the whole of the opening credits we never see the characters face, this creates enigma making the audience uneasy and curious at who this person is.

This is a screenshot of actors names who star in the film, the actors names flicker and switch this once again creates enigma for the audience. The writing and background are also very grainy this is constant throughout the opening credits and is used to add tension.

This is a screenshot of a character shaving the ends of either his/hers or there victims fingertips off. Like with the two previous screenshots this gives the sense of unknown as to who this person is and why is he doing it to these people, making the audience feel as uncomfortable as possible this then increases tension and builds up the atmosphere amongst viewers.

The Person moves very slowly, the longer this goes on the higher the tension amongst the audience.

All the shots used are close ups, reiterating what i said earlier where in which they want to hide his face to build suspense.

The image of a pair of tweezers makes the characters work very delicate and precise, which intimidates viewers and makes them think he is very calculated in his actions. This all making the audience feel uneasy of the person and therefore the opening sequence becomes very effective.

In this screenshot the character crosses out all the words out which are linked to sex, this adds an interest amongst the audience as to why he crosses these certain words out.

Friday 9 September 2011

Photo Shots

Establishing Shot - A shot that establishes a scene, often giving the viewer information about where and when the scene is set and is often a wide/long shot, that usually appears at the beginning of a scene.

Medium Shot - Shot of subject from the waist up.

Two-Shot - A shot of two characters and is used to show some sort of relationship between the two people some sort of relationship

High Angle - A camera angle that looks down upon a subject or object. Often used to make the subject in the shot appear smaller and more insignificant, creating a sense of weakness and vulnerability.

Over The Shoulder Shot - A shot looking from behind a character’s shoulder, at another subject. Usually used when showing a conversation between two characters.